The "Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF, Fundación Canaria" (FGG) is a Spanish no-profit institution constituted by "INAF", the Italian Institute of Astrophysics.
The FGG's aim is to promote the astrophysical research, as foreseen in the international agreement of May 26, 1979 ("Acuerdo de Cooperación en Materia de Astrofísica, B.O.E. Núm.161, 6 Jul 1979"), by managing and running the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), a 3.58m optical/infrared telescope located in the Island of San Miguel de La Palma, together with its scientific, technical and administrative facilities.
Latest news

Telescopio Nazionale Galileo Leads the Discovery of a Super-Earth in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Red Dwarf

HARPS-N and the two Mini-Neptunes in resonant orbit around the star TOI-1803

First on-sky tests of the optical and near-infrared cameras for the upcoming eSiFAP fast photometer

The TNG observations of asteroid 2024 YR4, currently on the top of ESA/NASA impact risk list
Asteroid 2024 YR4 is currently on the top of ESA NEOCC risk list. Discovered on 27 December 2024 by the ATLAS survey in Chile, it has increased its chances of an impact on Earth in 2032, to the point where it has currently reached a 2.4% impact probability, and a level 3 on the Torino impact scale. Though it still has a very small chance of impacting Earth on 22 December 2032, the situation is currently monitored by several observatories around the world. Further observations indeed can remove YR4 from the risk list, and assess its physical properties.